Calling ALL Mesa Carriers! First VIRTUAL Spring Mesa Carrier Gathering

Come Together to Participate in: Global Ceremonies, Celebrations & Wisdom Teachings 

Join us in a Virtual Gathering ~

 from wherever life finds you

Join our now Virtual Gathering March 19–21, 2020

Come together with your tribe to: 

  • Celebrate our medicine
  • Plant seeds of intention for our earth in a Global Fire Ceremony for the Spring Equinox
  • Learn from Wisdom Keepers who have been walking with their Mesa Medicine for decades.
  • Nourish yourself as you tune into universal love and download a new level of Hampe Munay (the healing frequency of love)
Register NOW

We're being called to create new maps with consciousness and love, to be of service to our Pachamama and the Cosmos. As a MESA CARRIER, you are deeply connected to the Hampe Munay (healing Love) that fills your personal healing bundle and connects you to the stone altars across time. NOW more than ever we must connect through our hearts and our personal healing altars (mesa) to be nourished so that we can continue to hold our vision of Love and Ayni.  

Our time will include: 

  • Guided practice, journeys and Meditation
  • Wisdom Workshops
  • Ceremonies & Celebrations for the Earth and her Elements
  • Spring Equinox Global Fire Vigil, planting seeds of our intentions to grow and heal  

YES! We are coming together ~ a Gathering of to share Wisdom 

We are EXCITED to open this VIRTUAL Gathering

join us for LIVE circles from wherever you are

Your price: $108  


Here's a sample of what we'll be teaching and sharing...

Mesa Energetics / Humpe Munay - Saturday 10:00am-Noon with Joan Parisi Wilcox

We are stewards of our living mesas. What does that mean?  

  • What is the history of our mesa
  • What is Humpe Munay (healing love) and our responsibility as WisdomKeeper
  • Connecting our Mesa/Misha and the energetics of the Kawsay Pacha  

Join Joan and learn the Andean Mysticism and the meaning/intent of our Mesa (misha in Quechua).

Creating Consciousness Shift with Heidi McBratney - FRIDAY Morning Together we will participate in the honoring and healing of humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos by creating new connections and maps of different planes and worlds  

  • We will experience how to open access to planes and worlds that have been waiting for us to discover.
  • We will learn the maps of new dimensions and planes, creating a trail for others.
  • We will offer healing and illumination for all of Creation.
  • We will have deepened our skills as explorers and map makers.  

GLOBAL VIGIL FIRE Celebrate Spring Equniox  

Working in circle with shaman from around the world brings a rich fullness of differing ideas and insights. It brings us back to our personal work and our understanding that as we shift, heal, and grow, we are part of the emerging awareness on Earth. 

Host a fire in your community - or connect virtually to the Fires across the globe. One anchor fire will burn in Lexington, MA from 6:00 pm 3/19- Noon 3/20

  • Through the night different shaman tend the Fire. 
  • Continue the work through dreamtime, or find yourself called to the fire in the night.

CEREMONIES for the EARTH Using our Power to be of Service  

Using our Co-creating Power and Mesa gifts we will come together in tribes to make offerings to the Earth and Water, Air and Spirit.

Bring to "class" 13 leaves or flower petals, or items from the earth, for prayers and offering in this Virtual Despacho Ceremony.

Dawn Meditation - Friday morning 6:00am - 7:00am EST Breath/Journeys with Julie Hannon

What we put into our consciousness first thing each morning shapes our entire world. Our bodies receive a huge cellular update when we engage in spiritual activity. Morning breath-centered meditation/movement sessions will focus on integration and receptivity, embodying and centering the wisdom so that we may share, offer, teach.  

SIGN UP NOW - for $108

Your price: $108


ALL sessions will be Recorded and we will meet in Zoom for our interactive Workshops 

Your price: $108